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download YouTube videos to your phone by tubemate app

Download tubemate app to download videos on Android 

download YouTube videos
download YouTube videos

The tube mate application is one of the best and most famous applications that allow you to download YouTube videos, whether on YouTube or Android, but it is not available on Google Play,

so today we will download the tubemate application for free for Android from our site

Through this application, you can download YouTube videos and any video that your eyes see on YouTube for YouTube systems and save it in your phone without losing it, unlike the YouTube feature that allows you to download videos,

but unfortunately you will not save them in your phone only in the YouTube application and it will be removed if you do not connect to YouTube every three days

Application Features

This application is very distinctive and popular by many users due to its ease of use and the ability to save the video in any format you want such as MP4, MP3, WEBM, OGG and others

Through this application, you can save the video in the quality that suits you, whether 1920 x 1080, 1280 x 720, 640 x 360, 176 x 144, and others.

This application supports the features of stopping the video in half and completing it as a quilt

How to use the application to download YouTube videos

The matter is easy. After downloading the application, go to it and you will find it on the website. If you like any video, go to it and you will find a green arrow.

Then click on it and choose the quality and type of the video ,then press download and you can control the download, i.e. stop it, etc.

After you finish downloading the video, you will find it in the video files of your device

Information about the application

The nametube mate
the size7,2 mb
the languageEnglish and other languages
CategoryPrograms, download programs
Operating SystemAndroid

Download the app

Choose the type of download that suits you
direct linkPress here
MediafirePress here

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