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What is flutter filters?

What is flutter filters?

Filters is an SDK from Google that is dedicated to programming smart phone applications operating on Android, IOS and Fuchsia (a new operating system from Google) as it focuses on the user and developer experience at the same time and this is because it provides a comprehensive framework in Dart language dedicated to drawing destinations with high quality and Native applications with excellent performance and at the same time give the developer the tools that make him build complete applications in less time.

Filters against the rest of the competitors in the market?

What is flutter filters?

Of course, the market for smart phone application programming is very large, and in the recent period, solutions have emerged that enable us to create applications for both the famous Android and IOS systems, in addition to the web, the desktop and the built-in devices at the same time, and these solutions differ technically, and in this table I will explain to you the important differences Among the top four competitors now in the smartphone application development market in one language (comparison will not include the original tools i.e. Java, Cotlin for Android, Swift and Object C for IOS)

The competition will be between Recat Native, Zamern, Ionic and Filters, but we must pay attention to:

  • Rekat Native: It also represents other solutions such as NATIVEScript

  • Zamrin: We talk about Zamern Forms because it is the correct way to write once and publish everywhere, and this is one of the most important factors of comparison.

  • Ionic: is representative of all well-known hybrid solutions such as Cordova and Von Gap


  • Comparison by programming / design language: What language is used to write application commands and how can user interfaces be designed?


Recat Native
The logic of the program is written using JavaScript and the design is mixed with HTML and CSS

Zamrin Forms
The program logic is written in C Sharp and the design is in XAML

A completely similar experience to programming and designing web applications

The writing and design of the interfaces are all in the Dart language
Comparison according to the use of system components:

 When you add the button, how will it appear on Android and how will it appear on IOS?

Recat Native
It is completely related to the system components and their version

Zamrin Forms
It provides an abstraction of the system components and can answer yes because the components appear by system

Not system related

Not system related but simulated

Ease of learning: What do you need to learn to build complete applications using one of these technologies?

Recat Native
You need to have knowledge of basic web technologies HTML + CSS + JS and it is recommended that you have a background on Rikat in order to find things easier to understand.

Zamrin Forms
You need to learn C Sharp and XAML design language

Same thing you need to learn basic web techniques

Learn a Dart language only

Translation: What is your app translated into?

Recat Native
No translation is running the code on the JavaScript VM

Zamrin Forms
It varies according to the system, for example it is translated into a native application on IOS and a Java byte code on Android

The application runs on a container of any original application that contains a hidden browser

Translation is done by AOT translator into original application

Popularity: How big is the community? What are the companies that use these technologies?

Recat Native
The JavaScript community is the most famous language and is associated with the framework, which is rich in definition, React, and it is used in large applications such as Facebook in addition to the fact that Facebook is behind its development

Zamrin Forms
It is supported by the very large C Sharp community, in addition to the fact that it became free and open source after the takeover of Microsoft, which increased its popularity even more.

When these technologies appeared, they caused a stir among web programmers because they were the easiest solution for them, but the problems of these applications are many because of their structure and there is no big company behind them.

Although it is new in the arena that the source has become a lot and entered the list of the hundred most famous projects on GitHub in addition to increasing its popularity on Stack Overflow, and most importantly, Google is behind it, which controls a large part of the Android market

What is new in Filters?
What is flutter filters?

From the previous comparison, we extract several new ideas that were brought out by filters. As the philosophy of the Filters team is the ability to draw every pixel on the screen freely and not be linked to the system, that is, exactly like games, but the factor that made Filters reach what it has reached now is direct support from another team at Google, which is the Material Design team, because Filters provide all the components Material Design, with its latest release, even before Android got it by itself, and this is what was announced at the Google IO conference this year. And one of the things in which there is a big difference is the method of filters in drawing interfaces, because filters use the programming language circulated in everything for writing and design as well, and this is what we discuss in the next point ...

Dart language? Why ?

What is flutter filters?

Perhaps this is the first time that you will have heard about the Dart language. Do not be surprised by a language that many consider unsuccessful, but the statistics say the opposite. Dart is an object-oriented programming language that appeared in the year 2011 and was done by Google as an attempt to replace the JavaScript language, but it did not succeed and this is very clear, but nevertheless it provides the appropriate features that filters need in order to grow properly as

  1. Dart language is an object-oriented programming language that implements all object-oriented programming concepts, including multiple inheritance, under the name mixins.

  2. The Filters team fully controls the Dart language to suit filters. Recently, a major change has occurred to the language to fit filters. For example, the word "new, which the Java and C Sharp programmer will recognize" has been made an optional word only in order to improve the way the interfaces are written.

  3. During programming, the JIT compiler is used in the Dart language: Just in time, thanks to which the hot download feature appeared, which is that when the code is changed, only the bytes that have been changed are sent, so the change occurred in your program in less than a second and it remains in its state.

  4. While publishing the application, Dart uses the AOT: Ahead of time compiler, which produces an original application and thus a great performance

  5. The Dart language can be translated into performance-enhancing JavaScript, which is what makes it possible to create web applications with filters.

  6. The Dart language was created to be easy for the JavaScript programmer and for the Java and C Sharp programmers as well. Example:

JavaScript :var user=['Jhon','Ossamah'];

Java : 

List<String> user=List<String>();

Are there large companies that use filters now?

What is flutter filters?


Yes, including Google, of course, and Google has published a page in which all the popular applications that have been made using filters and this page link and this is also an article published this week about the largest development companies that started using filters

The combination of user experience and developer experience?

What is flutter filters?


I mentioned this earlier, but we will now talk in preference:

Developer experience:

  1. Smart phone applications are an interface that expresses the thought or the company, so the design must be modern and beautiful, and for this you should not say no at all to your designer and get this freedom with filters because you have the freedom to draw pixels on the screen

  2. Filters are add-ons and I am not obligated to a specific tool, for example, Visual Studio. Now, filters are currently officially available for Android Studio + intellij idea + VS code

  3. Hot Reload, which makes the application development life cycle very fast, because if you change what is on the code it will not appear to wait for a long time to see the result and this is very suitable for people who have a background in the web

  4. The installation is very easy because the filters are a repository hosted on the cast Hub, thus downloading, updating and moving between branches is via git commands only

User experience

  1. The user gets an application with a very nice interface that has the same look and feel on both systems. This is due to the size of the library of standard components provided by the filters.

  2. The resulting application is original, so the user will get high performance during use

Are Filters Right For You?


Like every question, the answer is geometry: It depends on your situation, but I can make it easier for you. If you want an application that works on several platforms at the same time, its appearance is beautiful and its performance is excellent, and you do not care that the application is similar to other applications on the target system, then the filters are suitable for you. 

Filters Learning Resources?

Now after reading the article, you may like Filters and want to take a look. Here are the most important sources you can start from to learn Filters

  1. Official documentation which is the first and most important source for the beginner or advanced

  2. Official Team Filters Channel

  3. Tensor programming provides high-quality content and advanced tutorials

  4. Filter channel for the advanced level, which is a challenge every week, explaining a simulation of a famous design

read also : 

What is the Kotlin language?

