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Why should you learn the Python programming language now?

 the python programming language

Why should you learn the Python programming language now?

The process of choosing a programming language for learning is like choosing a car, as each car has its own specifications that distinguish it from others, and some of these specifications may be similar to another car, as well as programming languages. Each programming language has special capabilities and characteristics that distinguish it from others, and it may be similar to another language in some tasks. Among the common mistakes that most of those looking for learning a new programming language make is not to specify the field or specialization in which they want to complete their life, because they may spend months and years learning a specific programming language and after it finishes it discovers that it is not the programming language that he will need in his work Or, some people try to learn all programming languages ​​at the same time and enter a phase of dispersion and cannot complete, and one of the important points is to choose a programming language that the labor market needs and has a high demand and the most important of these languages ​​is the Python language.

Why Python?

Python is one of the new, multi-use languages, and despite its modernity, it is characterized by the ease of writing the code and provides many of its libraries and frameworks, which saves a lot of trouble for programmers, as it is a flexible language that overlaps in many important and delicate industries, whether medical or even military, and others It is heavy and important industries.


What is the history of the Python language?

The idea of ​​the Python language began at the Center for Science and Computer in the Netherlands, specifically in the city of Amsterdam, at the hands of the expert Guido Van Rossum in the late eighties of the last century, and the first official announcement of it was in 1991, and the name of Python was given to the language due to Van Rossum's admiration for a famous comedy theater group From Britain, it used to call itself Monty Python.


What is the Python Software Foundation?

The Python Software Foundation is a non-profit organization specialized in supporting the Python language only at the level of development and financial support. This foundation began in March 2001 with the aim of the foundation to promote and develop the Python community, and it is responsible for several tasks within the Python community, including the development of the distribution of the internal Python kernel, Manage intellectual property rights, and raise funds from donors.


The most famous fields in which Python is used:

  • data analysis
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Website programming
  • Desktop application programming for Windows and Mac
  • Encryption and protection
  • Networks
  • Servers

Python features

Python is distinguished from various other languages ​​in that it is:

  • Free and open source

Python is a completely free language, you do not need to subscribe or pay any money to obtain it, unlike some other languages, all the tools for Python are available for everyone to use.


  • Less code

The formula in which you write Python is very simple, and it is one of the reasons that led to the spread of the language among many developers, as what you write in ten lines in any other language you can write in Python in two or three lines, which makes the code organized and facilitates the process of treating errors Quickly and easily.


  • Standardized system

Python code is characterized as fully written in one system, suitable for working on Windows as well as Linux or any other operating system, which makes it available on any system at any time.


  • Clean code

The code written in Python is distinguished from the rest of the programming languages ​​in that it is very clean, and it is easy to read and work on it easily. The units are also organized and formatted, unlike other languages, the code is unorganized and difficult to read and deal with.


  • Easy to learn

Any novice developer who can learn Python easily and in a short time will reach an advanced level and be able to execute complex commands easily thanks to the language libraries that provide many ready-written commands.


  • World famous

It is used by most international companies such as Google, Nokia, NASA, Yahoo and other companies that prefer to use it in the most accurate and complex industries.


  • Supports databases

Python supports all different databases such as sal and oracle. The data structure is very easy to use and therefore it is a fast and productive language.


Disadvantages of Python

As a kind of clarification of the vision further, we had to present the defects of the Python language as we presented the positives, and among the most important of those negatives are the following:

  • Memory consumption

One of the most famous flaws in the language is the consumption of most of the memory of the devices that are working on, and this is due to the flexibility of the types of data that Python uses. If you are interested in dense and non-wasting memory, then it will definitely not be an ideal option for you.


  • Runtime errors

One of the problems that most programmers have met is that errors occur during operation, due to the fact that the language is written automatically, and therefore errors do not appear until the time the code is run.

  • Databases

Although it deals with most types of databases, it imposes many restrictions, unlike other languages ​​such as PHP, which gives you all the powers, and it is one of the reasons that pushes many large companies looking for smooth handling of data to move away from Python.


  • Smart phone application development

Unfortunately, Python is not a strong language in developing mobile or smart phone applications, and it is also weak for the development of laptops, so if you want to learn to develop applications, whether on Android or iOS, then with all certainty this is not the appropriate language.


  • the speed

Python is relatively slow compared to other languages ​​such as C ++ and C, but certainly Python is superior to C and C ++ Plus by stages, and there is no comparison except in speed only.


  • Difficulty using it with other languages

Python is difficult to use with other languages, unlike a language such as php, which enables you to use it with more than one language easily, and it is one of the defects that affects the Python market and its wide spread.

What are the best free Python projects?

There are many sites that offer open source code and projects that help you learn faster:

It is a very popular site, with millions of freely available code lines.

As for this site, it is a treasure for every programmer because it contains more than 20 billion free lines of code.

This site contains more than 30 billion lines of code.

Complete projects in multiple open source programming languages ​​and open source application code

An open code site and social networking site for programmers


The relationship of Python to Hacking

Python is the most popular programming language for all hackers around the world, as hacking programs that run in the Python language compared to the rest of the other language programs enjoy the ease, simplicity of use and their strength in carrying out the most difficult tasks and the same for protection from hackers

You can read the book Black hat Python if you are interested in the field of piracy and protection from them, as this book will help you to develop your skills, and inform you about many of the vulnerabilities and how to protect them.


The most important resources for learning Python:

One of the old sites that specialize in teaching Python in an organized and sequential manner.


  • Free set of courses on Udemy

The famous Udemy website offers a set of free courses in addition to other paid courses to open the way more for many who want to learn.


The course consists of 19 videos in which the principles of Python are explained in a very simple and smooth way for beginners.

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