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“He was happy to play Video Game.” Installing a smart chip in a monkey’s body

 Elon Musk revealed that his startup, Neuralink, had implanted a wireless chip in a monkey's brain to allow him to play video games.

“He was happy to play Video Game.” Installing a smart chip in a monkey’s body

The billionaire and tech giant, who also heads SpaceX and Tesla, said the monkey "looks completely happy," and that Neuralink's facilities meet US regulatory requirements.

Speaking during a question-and-answer session about the Clubhouse app , Musk said the startup has gone beyond trials with pigs and monkeys.

He said: "We already have a monkey with a wireless chip in its skull with small wires. He can play video games using his mind, and he looks completely happy. It is not like an unhappy monkey, you can not even see where the nerve implant is placed, it does not seem that it is not comfortable nor It looks strange. "

Mask said that an inspector at the Ministry of Agriculture of America ( the USDA ) Description Laboratory Enyoralenk as " the most beautiful facilities monkeys" they saw at all. A spokesperson for the agency was not immediately available for comment.

One of the things we're trying to figure out is, "Can we get the monkeys to play pong with each other? That would be cool," Musk said.

The British newspaper "The Independent" said that the startup working in the field of brain machines, founded by Musk in 2016, hopes to eventually implant slices in human brains to provide a high-bandwidth link between humans and computers.

In the short term, Neuralink plans to use its wireless chips to treat disorders and diseases of the brain.

But the startup's long-term goals are much more ambitious, ranging from the concept of “coexistence of humans and artificial intelligence”, to something the CEO refers to as “conceptual telepathy”.

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