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Video: Boston Dynamics introduces its new Stretch robot


Video: Boston Dynamics introduces its new Stretch robot

The American company Boston Dynamics, famous for making robots, revealed a new robot on its YouTube account, adding to the list of robots that the company launched a while ago, on top of which is Spot or Atlas and others, and the new robot bears the name Stretch.

According to Reuters, the international news agency, the main role of the new Stretch robot is to move boxes inside warehouses, as Michael Berry, vice president of business development at Boston Dynamics, said that the Stretch robot was the first robot the company built a single task, based on requests from companies. Around the world, he said, "We have heard worldwide through storage that unloading trucks is one of the most physically difficult and unpleasant jobs and here comes the role of Stretch"

The Stretch robot has a small movable base that allows it to move in the narrow spaces of the current warehouse without the need to reconfigure it for automation, and it is equipped with an arm and a smart handle with advanced sensor cameras and computer vision that can recognize and deal with a large variety of laminated and laminated boxes, adds Michael Perry. We are looking at picking up crates at around 50 lbs (23 kg), and the maximum pick-up and moving rate of crates can be up to 800 boxes per hour. It's a fast-moving and versatile robot, ”Perry said.

According to Reuters, analysts say the warehouse sector witnessed a very strong 2020, with continued growth expected this year. They point to the dynamics of 2020, as online shopping amid the pandemic has led to the need for massive expansion of order-fulfillment services.

