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This site shows you the number of days it took for your country to get rid of the Corona virus and return to normal life

  Many of us will wonder when normal life will arrive after the Covid-19 Coronavirus epidemic, that is, when we can go out without masks, when we can visit other societies or countries, and even when we can do social activities that are currently in the taboo.

This site shows you the number of days it took for your country to get rid of the Corona virus and return to normal life

Through the media, we know that there are more developed countries compared to the rest, and even from the political authorities we are told that the end of the epidemic is near, although what they tell us is one thing and what is happening another.

 TimeToHerd is a simple website that tells us, through the map, for each country we choose, when the expected immunity will arrive, allowing us to return to the normal state we were in before Corona.

In addition, it provides a table of the most advanced countries in terms of vaccination against Covid-19, allowing for the selection of three different types of classification: by days until the population reaches 70% of the vaccination, by the percentage of the population vaccinated, and by the percentage For the population vaccinated daily, the ability to also choose between ascending and descending order.

This site shows you the number of days it took for your country to get rid of the Corona virus and return to normal life

Israel and the Emirates, according to this schedule, are the most advanced in this regard. Note that this should be a reference only, bearing in mind that the new vaccines will arrive soon, which will accelerate the vaccination campaign.

 Link:  timetoherd

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