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How to run multiple copies of applications on Android phones

How to run multiple copies of applications on Android phones

 Most of the time when you install an application on your device, the application only allows you to use one account at a time on this device, and you cannot use another account within the same application except after logging out of one of the accounts. This works well when you only have one account with this app. But the problem arises when you have multiple accounts , one for work, one for friends, etc., and you want to use them all at the same time on the same device. What is the solution ?! Don't worry, there are tricks on Android phones that allow you to run multiple copies of the same app. Thankfully, Android gives you tons of options for customization, modification and development that you won't get on any other operating system. So, in this article, I am going to tell you one of these good features which can help you in many situations.

The first method: using dual accounts in Android applications

The ability to run multiple copies and versions of an app on an Android device is extremely helpful. The reason is that you can run your favorite instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, etc. with different phone numbers at the same time on your device. Enabling the " dual sender " feature on Samsung phones and some other company phones allows you to multiple copies of an application to use multiple accounts for those applications on your phone. With this feature included, you don't need to search for third-party tools and software to clone your installed applications. Unfortunately, this feature only supports a handful of applications.

To activate the feature and use it, go to "Settings" > then go to the "Advanced features" option > scroll down and click on the "Dual Messenger" option > Now you will see the available applications supported by the copy feature> such WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, Facebook, etc.> Select what you want from them by toggling the switch next to the application you want to copy> and click the "Install" button.

Now you have another copy of the same application within the list of applications, you can log in to it with an account completely separate from the main account, and you can work on the two applications at the same time and with two different accounts. You can undo the second version by repeating the previous steps with turning off the double sender feature for each application.

Method 2: Multiple copy applications using Parallel Space

Unfortunately! If you want to activate this feature for an application that is not included in the list of supported applications in the previous method; You will need to get an external app from the Google Play Store . I recommend trying Parallel Space , as it will do the job perfectly. Just follow these steps:

To start with, install and run the Parallel Space app > Grant the necessary permissions> and when the home screen appears, choose the apps you want to clone> and tap on “Add to Parallel Space” at the bottom of the app interface> Now, tap on the icon of each app you want to copy into Next screen and Grant the required permissions> Then install it. In this way, you can create a second copy of your favorite application, and add your secondary account to it, and thus the application will run as if this is the first time you use it on your device, and you can also update a copy of it to different versions without the other. That's it, to get you started by getting those duplicates for a specific app.

