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A strange spherical object appears in the Caribbean ... and the interpretation among space scientists

A strange spherical object appears in the Caribbean ... and the interpretation among space scientists

A young British woman and her family wanted to try something new during a vacation in the Bahamas in the Caribbean, only to end up discovering a very strange object.

And published the details of the story, the British newspaper "The Independent", on Saturday, which said that the object appeared to have either fallen from a spacecraft or a satellite made by the Russians.

Manon Clark, 24, said that while she was walking with her mother, she noticed something sparkling at night, even though large portions of the beach were covered in sand .

She said that the body was circular in shape, made of titanium, and weighed 41 kilograms, with writing in Russian.

She added, "We could see the Russian writing on the side of the (sphere). We kept digging on the body. It was a bit bold because we had no idea what it was."

Space experts believe, according to the British newspaper, that the ball could be the propelling hydrazine fuel tank for a satellite or spacecraft, despite the uncertainty about its source and how it became ashore.

Marc Morabito, president of a company and an astronaut in training, said he was "99 percent sure that it is a hydrazine reservoir in some kind of rocket" used to launch satellites .

The Russian text on the body indicates that the operating temperature range, the capacity is about 43 liters, and the weight is about 41 kg, and also indicates that it may have been built in 2018.

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