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NASA has finished assembling two booster rockets to launch the Space Takeoff System towards the Moon

NASA has finished assembling two booster rockets to launch the Space Takeoff System towards the Moon

The US Space Agency (NASA) has completed the assembly of two booster rockets that will help operate and launch the giant next-generation space launch system known as the SLS (Space Launch System), which will bring humans back to the surface of the Moon.

The Space Launch System is the rocket that will bring astronauts back to the moon as part of the American Artemis project.

Over the course of several months, personnel at Kennedy Space Center in Florida stacked the 10 parts of the booster rockets and mounted them vertically on top of each other.

When activated, the Space Takeoff System (SLS) will be the most powerful missile in the world.

It would be able to produce a thrust of 8.8 million pounds, making it 15 percent more powerful than the Saturn 5 rocket used to propel the Apollo lunar missions in the 1960s.

source : BBC

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