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SpaceX is installing a glass cover at the front of its tourist spacecraft


SpaceX is installing a glass cover at the front of its tourist spacecraft

The American company "SpaceX" will install a transparent glass cover at the front of its "Dragon" tourist ship, so that the space tourists can enjoy a view of the globe from a height of 500 km.

"" reported this, citing a statement made by a company spokesperson at a press conference held Tuesday, March 30th, at the Manned Space Flight Center in Florida.

The site said that the company will use the first tourist space flight, the "Dragon" vehicle currently docked with the International Space Station. The spacecraft must separate from the station on April 28 to return to Earth with the two American astronauts and Japanese astronauts.

Then the company will separate the docking unit from the spacecraft to be replaced by a transparent glass cover that will help the space tourists to enjoy stunning views of the Earth from a height of 540 km, which is 120 km higher than the orbit of the International Space Station.

According to the website, the "Dragon" vehicle will make its first tourist trip, according to the website, on September 15th, in which civilians who have nothing to do with NASA will participate.

It is reported that the media had previously reported that the American billionaire, Gard Ezkman, 38, had bought all four seats in the tourist spacecraft.

The billionaire said that a doctor from the Children's Hospital in Memphis, Hayley Arsino, a professor of geology, Sain Proctor, and an employee of the American "Lockheed Martin" company, Christopher Cimbrosky, would accompany him on the tour.

Source: TASS

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