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NASA shares the first weather report for the Mars rover "Perseverance"!


NASA shares the first weather report for the Mars rover "Perseverance"!

NASA scientists have shared details of the meteorological forecasts taken by the Perseverance spacecraft on the red planet.

The Mars Environment Dynamics Analyzer system for the rover ran for the first time for about 30 minutes on February 19, the day after it landed on the Jezero crater on the planet.

NASA said on Tuesday that the weather report was sent to Earth later that day.

NASA shares the first weather report of the Mars rover

It was 4 degrees Fahrenheit when MEDA began recording, but the temperature dropped to -14 within half an hour, according to NASA.

The radiation and dust sensors showed that the atmosphere of "Jezero" was cleaner than the Gale crater, where the "Curiosity" rover is stationed, 2,300 miles away.

The pressure on Mars reached 718 Pa, which is what the scientists expected.

"Those were moments of excitement and excitement," said Jose Antonio Rodriguez Manfredi, MEDA lead investigator. Finally, after years of work and planning, we received the first data report from MEDA. Our system was alive and sending the first meteorological data and images from SkyCam . 

The 12-pound META system wakes up every hour to record levels of dust, wind, pressure, humidity, air temperature, floor temperature and radiation.

Scientists hope that the weather reports will eventually prepare humans to visit the red planet.

Source: New York Post

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