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How To Create And Profit From A Website In 2021


How To Create And Profit From A Website In 2021

Investing and making money online has become a goal sought by many entrepreneurs especially beginners around the world, especially after the recent Covid-19 crisis and the global trend of online shopping.

Ecommerce sales are expected to represent 17.5% of global retail sales by 2021! The strange thing is that despite these amazing statistics, more than half of companies around the world do not have their own website.

Best online store design platforms

Through these statistics and others, we can say that investing in e-commerce and creating a profitable website is the ideal way to start an online business and make a quick profit because it does not require much time and effort.

It also does not require a lot of capital, in addition to many other advantages that it provides compared to other traditional companies such as, flexibility of work or low cost, it saves a lot of expenses such as labor costs or rental of buildings, etc.

Among the current most popular platforms that can benefit from its services and about other questions that may arise in the mind of any merchant or entrepreneur wishing to own and develop his own project and increase sales by starting to sell online through the website is the ExpandCart platform

The ExpandCart platform is one of the leading platforms in creating the online store, and it also provides you with shipping and electronic payment services and even e-marketing through social media platforms.

In the event that you do not have any products, do not worry there are many ways that you can bring products to your site.

Either through affiliate marketing programs, which you can identify by clicking on the word affiliate marketing or by linking with a drop shipping supplier such as Ali Express.

But an important question remains, which is how to market your online store?

How to market your online store

First: Defining your target customers

It is essential to carefully define your target audience as a first step in creating a successful marketing plan, and thanks to this, we will get to know the nature of the marketing message that you can contact and prepare the appropriate content accordingly.

As each customer differs by his nature in buying from others, for example, buyers who want to buy kitchen appliances cannot be targeted in the same way as buyers who want to buy advanced electronic devices.

Understanding the nature of your audience and the relevance of your targeting yields the best marketing results.

Second: a good study of competitors

You need to research all of your competitors in the ecommerce field that you plan to operate in, and study points like: 

  • How do these competitors target their audiences?
  • What feature can you bypass?
  • What can make customers prefer your store over theirs?
  • What negatives do they face to address in your store?

In other words, you have to ask yourself what will differentiate your store from your competitors.

Third: Create a marketing message and attractive content

Formulating a good marketing message is fundamental to the success of your marketing campaign; It is an essential part of the success or failure of your campaign.

The content you provide and your marketing message should be based on clear facts about the nature of your store. You should also use simple, appropriate language for your target audience.

Fourth: Choosing Marketing Platforms

You need to choose the platforms you use to sell your products on. At present, it is undeniable that many social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. are among the best marketing channels. However, you need to choose these platforms based on a more informed analysis and insight into the different nature and characteristics of your audience.

Finally, it can be said that creating a website and reaping the benefits from it is not difficult. It is a good and easy business, and it is firmly entrenched nowadays as the whole world has shifted to e-shopping.

Which makes the most secure way to profit today, is to create sites to buy and sell online, as it is the next future for trading!

So start now and follow the above steps because you have the opportunity to start e-commerce and make the profit of your dreams.

You can start e-commerce now by creating a website through the ExpandCart platform from here 

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