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Beware! ... a new method of hacking Facebook accounts that you should pay attention to

 The Facebook platform, one of the largest social media platforms in the world, it is interesting to know that Facebook vulnerabilities do not last long, as soon as they are discovered, Facebook is contacted to solve them. This time, hacking Facebook accounts is no longer limited to vulnerabilities, and thus the new method is called "social engineering".

Beware! ... a new method of hacking Facebook accounts that you should pay attention to

Perhaps this method has been used for a long time, but its methods are multiple and sometimes difficult to discover by the person who is the victim, even the professionals cannot do that.

We all have an FB account, with personal conversations, maybe family photos, personal identification numbers, and important information that should not be shared with anyone, not forgetting even those who use Facebook to make money. Generally speaking, nobody wants to get up in the morning to find that their account has been removed or their password changed, causing fear and anxiety over personal information.

It begins when someone communicates with you with a name that you have never known before, and he says to you, “Hello, so-and-so, I know you.” Do you remember me? He sends you a picture, the problem with this picture is that it is blurry and blurry.

Beware! ... a new method of hacking Facebook accounts that you should pay attention to

He will tell you that he is the person in the picture or who wears such-and-such, then you will tell him that you do not see the image well, asking him for a clear picture, and then provide you with a specific link that tells you that it has the clear picture, and as soon as you enter the link, you are hacked.

Many have been exposed to such methods, and perhaps new methods will appear in the future. You have not been informed of the way to work such sites that hack once you enter because the goal is awareness, not teaching penetration.

Despite Facebook's efforts to combat this type of link, it is increasing and spreading. What we advise you to do is not to enter any link sent to you via Messenger by unknown people, and always take caution and caution. And not to enter your account information before making sure that the extension belongs to Facebook and not to Spam.

read also : 

How do you discover if your data was leaked over the Internet and how do you protect yourself?

