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10 Tips For New Coders From Quora

 really like browsing Quora , your questions, suggestions and everything you want will be found on the site, and it seems that Quora has outperformed all the sites for asking questions, answers and inquiries such as Yahoo Answers and other sites that provide the same service, I think Today, Quora has become a social site that surely matches other social realities.   

One of the questions that are always asked on the site is "I want to start programming, what should I do" or I encounter people seeking advice from the most excellent and experienced programmers among them. My friends told me that this scenario is repeated over and over in many Arab programming communities, so I decided, oh That is, what do you think to quote Quora expert advice and answers and present it in the form of a topic? So I wanted to write this topic for you, so dear reader (mostly programmer), here is a set of tips for newcomers in the programming world presented to you from Quora. 

10 Tips For New Coders From Quora

Learning programming comes with a large number of projects, not a large number of courses: 

the best response I liked and the best advice I saw on one of the inquiries of one of the brothers, so I decided to start with my topic, do not watch the courses a lot dear, do you want to learn Java? Watch one course, know the basics, know what you will need, then start creating a project using Java, as the obstacles and problems that you will find during the creation of your project that no one will tell you in any course or programming course in that language, and the large number of projects will teach you my friend how to deal with a lot Of things, no, but it will make you an expert in a programming language that has only learned its basics, it is the world of programming, this is how it works, we can only obey its laws. 

- Do not look for a solution, create a solution: 
When you enter the world of programming, everyone will flock to you: "If you encounter a problem, go to Stackoverflow", even I believed in this matter, but a friend on the site appeals to the newcomers and tells them that programming is problems, and your mastery Programming depends on how proficient you are to solve problems, and if you want to go to Stackoverflow, then resort to it when you are proficient in programming and work on a project for a client and you face a problem that has no solution, but as long as you create a project that you learn from and benefit from, you do not need Stackoverflow Or google, all you need is a piece of paper and a pen, and the problem in front of you, and occupy your programming mind, so by solving problems you gain experiences, and if you gain experience, you will become a professional in programming. 

- Programming is boring .. If you do not always look for new things: 

in one of the responses on the site about the question, "Do I have to learn one or several programming languages," our friend replies: Programming is boring my friend, to know 30 codes in a programming language and manipulate them all the time is It is very boring. What makes programming a wonderful world is the new. What makes Java, C # and other programming languages ​​remain resilient in the face of new programming languages ​​is their permanent containment of new, every time you hear that Java enables you to do something new In a new field, your enthusiasm will be more excited, especially if you are interested in this language. 
My advice to you, my friend, is to always look for new ones. Have you become proficient in making a desktop program with C #? Nice, now make your own project with it, did you make it? Most beautiful, now move to another field. Learn to create websites using language, or perhaps mobile applications, and do not limit yourself to one field and one pattern (classification or directive). 

Program for free: 

What makes the newcomers in the programming world enter this world from its foundations, is their bad idea that programmers are paid big wages today compared to the work that we are accustomed to (well for them and we do not have us Arabs of course), which makes them always drown in the cycle of lack of learning Because learning for them is profit and making money, and this is a mistake that every newcomer falls into, so I will advise you, brother, that you first start learning programming as is common among the public, then start receiving and doing software projects for free that you learn from, why for free? I will tell you my friend, firstly because your years of programming experience are weak, no one will want to pay 2500 dollars for a project developed by a junior programmer, and you in turn need experience and projects to complete them, so, sacrifice a little in the first with 2500 dollars, do not worry, you will gain twice as much. In the future, do the project, and if you complete the project well, be proud that you have become polishing your programming skills, and that it is programmed poorly, 
Yes, and don't forget to add some games to your desktop, as they help you relax and think better. 

Programming is like basketball, or any other sport it does not matter: 

programming is like practicing a sport, and let's take basketball for example, before you start playing, you must first prepare, prepare and first familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, after that, you have to You train and practice, whether alone and in the basket, or with other people, when you are convinced that your skills in basketball have developed and become good, you start taking competitions with your friends to improve and refine your skills, and finally you join the team and play against another team in a tournament Local, national, or whatever. 
Programming is just like a basketball, you cannot come from nowhere to hold a project and start programming it and create a complete project and present it to your boss or your client, you will make a lot of mistakes, first my friend, you have to learn the basics, I do not mean here the basics of programming, so before he learns The basketball player catches the ball, first learns the laws of the game, the same is true for programming, learn computer laws, information about computers, how it works, the Internet as well and many services, then to learn programming and its basics, then refine your skills with your own mini projects, then you can Then you can play in the National Teams of Programmers. 

Are you a good programmer or a bad programmer? 

This is also one of the great responses I found on the site, follow me. I will translate the response for you beautifully: 
The difference between a good programmer and a bad programmer is that the former is fully aware of what he is doing, while the second does not know. Absolutely what he does, it is planning, you have to plan well before you program, plan the code that you will write, and do not write the code and leave it to chance to play its luck, never, but you have to know when the code worked, what traces this code left behind, And how it works, it is also important to divide your code and understand it, this will also help you in the process of debugging the code in the event of a failure (debugging), and it will gain you more confidence in the code that you write (in terms of protection). 
You can read the full response from here  .

 How to discover the new programmer and programmer programmer: 

Will you answer me? Or aren't they both the same concept? Detecting the new programmer is easier than the easy itself, you are dear programmer, you have to evade this matter, my friend does not tell you that it is a bad thing or a shame to be a newcomer, but try to play from time to time the role of the real programmer, and to do that It is the whole point of the response) and to do that you have to know more about programming, it is true that programming codes, problems and algorithms, but this does not mean that learning them will make you a programmer, rather you have to know more about programming, know more about programming languages, What are they used for, the creators and makers of these languages, the ways of using these languages, the difference between this language and that language, and why this language is better than this ...., and do not make programming always limited to writing the code. 

Learning programming in schools dedicated to it is better than learning it on its own: 

(Perhaps this matter does not apply to us in the Arab countries, since education is always for the worse and there are few educational institutes that effectively study programming, but this does not mean that we should ignore this point ) 
Self-education in the field of programming requires a lot of effort, powers, self-motivation and diligence. You are not required first and foremost to pass an exam in a particular subject, which means that you are available at any moment to present your back on what you learn and search for something new while you are bored of it. And this matter will always make you revolve in a spiral of lack of learning, so the best thing is to resort to institutes or places that teach programming will be better for you, as you are obligated to respect a certain schedule, learn specific experiences, and pass even exams in order to succeed in that language, And this in itself is an incentive that makes you learn programming, and I will direct you frank words and tell you that there will always be a lack of your self-learning of something.

Learn to think like a computer:

No, no, my friend, we do not mean here that you have to think stupidly, computers are stupid because they only know logic, computational logic and not human, computers only know that they should do this if the outside is True and not do this if the outside is False, no You can force a computer to do something other than this, it is true that your mind does that, but your computer does not do it, my friend, therefore, you have to start thinking as the computer thinks, when you encounter a software error or problem, it did not happen because the computer does not want to do the work, Rather, it happened for a logical reason, it may not seem logical to you, but it is logical to the computer, then you should start thinking like a computer, be you the computer, be you the code. 

- To learn programming .. you have to program: 

the last advice on this topic, you have to program my friend, you are new in the programming world, we understood this, now is the time to turn into a professional in the field, start programming, follow all the tips above, read it well, absorb it, Then, take your computer, set up the appropriate IDE for the language you want to learn, and start programming, if you don't, you will never learn programming.

