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7 iPhone Shortcuts You Didn't Know You Need

 Shortcuts, which work on both iOS and iPadOS, are extensively contained within the official Apple app, but you can also install some third-party automation to extend the capabilities of your iPhone without having to perform a lot of actions.

7 iPhone Shortcuts You Didn't Know You Need

Since they are provided by third parties, it is important for you to know how to install these shortcuts. To be able to use shortcuts that are not provided by Apple, you must activate a function, as the company defines them as "untrusted shortcuts" and you need to give your consent to be able to use them.

If you have never used a shortcut, the first thing you should do is enter the Shortcuts app and activate one of the shortcuts of any type. Now you have to exit the app and go to Settings> Shortcuts and there activate "Allow untrusted shortcuts". You will be asked to confirm and enter your unlock code.

Now you are ready to install the third-party shortcuts that will make your life more useful and the best thing is that they are free.

Share your WiFI network without giving out your password

Although this would not be new for some people, as it is something that happens on Android devices, iOS users will enjoy the benefits of this shortcut. So far, the password-sharing function on the network is only available between Apple devices, which must have the person wanting to access their contacts.

This shortcut creates a QR code to be scanned by another device thus quickly entering the WiFi network without having to share the password.


Create strong passwords

Still using your grandmother's or family member's name as your password? This shortcut will help you enhance the security of your accounts. You can choose to create a creative one, for which you will need to fill in some answers, and you can also randomly request one using different emoticons and even emojis.


Shorten the links

If you work on social networks or share links frequently, then you are sure to be familiar with the term short link, which basically is to create a shorter version to share which is not very long.

To use this shortcut, it is necessary that you log into your Bitly account. If you don't, once the shortcut is activated, it will take you to the page.


Convert video files to audio files

From the Files app on iPhone, you can choose any of the videos you have available so that this shortcut can do its magic and turn it into audio that you can easily save to iCloud Library or to your device.


Perform currency conversions

  Once you run this shortcut, you can choose between ten different currencies to perform conversions. Includes: Dollar, Euro, Mexican Peso, Brazilian Real, British Pound, Singapore Dollar, Chinese Renminbi, etc.


Make a backup copy of your shortcuts

If you are going to restore your iPhone and don't want to lose the shortcuts you got, then this other shortcut will be your ally. When activated, it will ask you for permissions to access iCloud Drive. When you give your consent, it will quickly create backups in a folder called Backups under Shortcuts in your Apple Cloud.


If wetted  Â Levon your

Hopefully it never happens, but if fate is against you and your device is submerged in water, this shortcut can give you hope that everything will return to order.

 It works in a similar way to the function on the Apple Watch, which by way of sounding the expulsion of water that the device may contain.


read also : Future Apple devices - augmented reality contact lenses!

