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Learn Web Development in 180 days

Who is a web developer..what are its tools? Where to start and how to learn to become a web developer in 180 days.What are the fields of web developer? Do I need a college degree?

Learn Web Development in 180 days

The path to being a web developer can seem cluttered at times. There is no clear path because there are multiple programming languages, hundreds of frameworks, and thousands of libraries. Which should you learn and in what order?

Anyone can become a web developer. It is a matter of perseverance and effort. If you work hard and pursue, you can become a web developer.

Without further ado, here's how you can become a web developer in 180 days 180 days is the time to start your programming career in web development. 180 days not guaranteed. It may take longer or it may be faster. It all depends on how much you want it and how much effort you are willing to put in.

There is no need to pay a lot of money for the courses, since there are tons of free resources. You just need to know where to look.

Who is a web designer?

  • We must differentiate between a web developer and a web designer who makes your website look good.
  • The web designer focuses on the style and general look of the page, using programs like Photoshop to customize the visual elements of the website. They also use code like HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to create their designs

    User experience (UX) designer :

  • The job of a UX web designer is to keep your visitors hooked.
  • They just know how to craft a website that your specific audience will enjoy because they have thoroughly researched the website's needs, not to mention a lot of prototyping testing and site restructuring.

    User interface designer (UI):

  • The UI web designer helps improve the way users interact with the elements or interface on your website.
  • This is done by translating complex branding ideas and values ​​into a fun and easy to navigate website.

Who is a web developer?

  • Part of the web developer role is building the web designer concept.
  • Web developers are like those who build, and web designers are like visionaries.
  • Usually the developer specializes in designing website applications.
  • The web designer places more emphasis on what the user will enjoy.

How does the relationship between developers and designers work?

  • A web developer creates a website framework using software like Javascript and JQuery, with the goal of crafting a smoothly functioning website, which web designers then pour their creative juices onto.

Types of web developers:

  1. Back-end developer Backend developer
    is where the basic structure of a website is designed.
    Here web developer is using complex software languages ​​like Java, SQL, and C #.
    Users don't see the work they're doing because it involves coding on web servers and databases, not on the browser.
  2. Front-end developer Front-end developer
    Any client-side web developer.
    It's more related to web design than backend development because it involves using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create things the user can see, such as lead forms.
  3. Full-Stack Developer
    Any full-stack web developer across different layers.
    Including both front end and back end. They're basically the complete package when it comes to web development, because they're experts in all areas.

How to become a web developer in 180 days

Days 1-15: Learn HTML and CSS Basics:

  • This is the beginning of your journey to becoming a web developer. It is important to focus on the basics.
  • It gives you strong fundamentals and grasping different topics more quickly.
  • Start small, learn Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and how it works. HTML is the staple of every website and web app. Complete this skill with learning Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS is used in web design
  • Building a professional website takes a lot of work, so if you are new to web development, I encourage you to start small.
  • You might see web developers with a lot of experience on your way but remember they started someday from your place.
  • You won't build another Facebook right away, but getting your simple website online isn't difficult, so let's start there.

Days 16 to 50: Start learning JavaScript basics

  • JavaScript is the most popular programming language.
  • JavaScript is so popular that every website and every web developer uses it.
  • If you are using a modern browser, turn off JavaScript and browse the web, you will notice very quickly that 97% of websites will not function properly, or even load.
  • JavaScript runs every website. Any job as a web developer will have some form of JavaScript programming. Thanks to its popularity, there are a lot of places to learn JavaScript.
  • You have to choose one of the places and courses. There are tons of free courses for teaching JavaScript. Choose one and start learning
  • If you get stuck, don't be shy about Google, it's your way to the solution, your job as a web developer involves a lot of learning right on the spot and reading StackOverflow to find answers to your questions

Types of web developers:

  1. Back-end developer Backend developer
    is where the basic structure of a website is designed.
    Here web developer is using complex software languages ​​like Java, SQL, and C #.
    Users don't see the work they're doing because it involves coding on web servers and databases, not on the browser.
  2. Front-end developer Front-end developer
    Any client-side web developer.
    It's more related to web design than backend development because it involves using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create things the user can see, such as lead forms.
  3. Full-Stack Developer
    Any full-stack web developer across different layers.
    Including both front end and back end. They're basically the complete package when it comes to web development, because they're experts in all areas.

How to become a web developer in 180 days

Days 1-15: Learn HTML and CSS Basics:

  • This is the beginning of your journey to becoming a web developer. It is important to focus on the basics.
  • It gives you strong fundamentals and grasping different topics more quickly.
  • Start small, learn Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and how it works. HTML is the staple of every website and web app. Complete this skill with learning Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS is used in web design
  • Building a professional website takes a lot of work, so if you are new to web development, I encourage you to start small.
  • You might see web developers with a lot of experience on your way but remember they started someday from your place.
  • You won't build another Facebook right away, but getting your simple website online isn't difficult, so let's start there.

Days 16 to 50: Start learning JavaScript basics

  • JavaScript is the most popular programming language.
  • JavaScript is so popular that every website and every web developer uses it.
  • If you are using a modern browser, turn off JavaScript and browse the web, you will notice very quickly that 97% of websites will not function properly, or even load.
  • JavaScript runs every website. Any job as a web developer will have some form of JavaScript programming. Thanks to its popularity, there are a lot of places to learn JavaScript.
  • You have to choose one of the places and courses. There are tons of free courses for teaching JavaScript. Choose one and start learning
  • If you get stuck, don't be shy about Google, it's your way to the solution, your job as a web developer involves a lot of learning right on the spot and reading StackOverflow to find answers to your questions.

Days 82 to 120: Learn front end library (React, Vue, Angular):

  • Ask any business competitors if they use some form of front end library and the answer will be in the affirmative.
  • Back in the old days (2000), companies raised their sleeves and created interior structures and libraries designed specifically to meet their needs.
  • Modern web development is all about using open source frameworks and libraries, like React, Vue, Angular, and Svelte.
  • It is difficult to determine the appropriate framework. There are too many options.
  • Remember, your ultimate goal is to become a web developer and want to find a job in the web development field.
  • My advice is to scan your area to see which frameworks are most popular and stick with that.
  • Some cities might have 100 React developer jobs, while others might have 1,000 Angular jobs. It is in your best interest to choose the most popular in your area.
  • Now with what you have learned for this moment, you can start creating your own website.

Days 121 to 170: Learn Node, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL (Backend Development)

  • You've come this far already, on your journey to becoming a web developer, giving up isn't an option.
  • Now that we know how front end development works, let's add some backend knowledge to our list.
  • In order to make real use of web development, every application contains wallpaper.
  • In the modern era, the backend is an application programming interface (API) that interacts with the front end.
  • But why do we even need a backend? Well, suppose users can create users when interacting with our app.
  • We need to store user data somewhere for future use, so we need a backend service to create users.
  • The backend is the medium that interacts with the database and serves the data in the front end, all by communicating via the API.
  • As a web developer the most important point you should work on is security and protection is another big reason we need a backend.
  • Remember, backend means we are running on server side, which means off-browser in this context. Anyone can check the front-end code via developer tools, so it doesn't make sense from a security point of view to store sensitive data there.

Days 171 to 179: Learn Git to host

  • To show the world your web development capabilities, it is imperative to host your website.
  • The future business owner wants to see your previous work, even if it was not completed.
  • Learn how to use Git to host your projects on Github pages.
  • It doesn't cost you anything. The Github pages are free.
  • If you want to host your own API, you'll need to manage your server with Heroku, AWS, or the Digital Ocean.

Day 180: Start applying to web development jobs

  • You have reached the finish line, and now your journey really begins.
  • Start by creating your own website, it will be very helpful when applying to jobs.
  • Find all vacancies you can find in the web development field and apply for them.
  • Make sure to explain with the employer the fact that you are a junior developer and this is your first campaign.
  • Honesty goes a long way. Start your new relationship on your right foot. When you apply for an engineering job, it is a good idea to know exactly what is expected of a junior engineer.


Thanks for reading, I wish you luck on your new journey.
Getting started is never easy and giving up seems like an easy way out. Don't give up on your dreams and keep fighting.
Be open to learning new things, ask if you don't know, and stay hungry and curious.

read also :

The best programming languages ​​in the labor market that must be learned in 2021

